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Why Network Efficiency Is Crucial For Successful Businesses

Are you watching your business lag due to poor network performance? Learn the fundamentals of optimizing your network for success!

Why Network Efficiency Is Crucial For Successful Businesses
Photo by Denny Müller / Unsplash

Having a reliable, high-speed network is key to the success of many businesses. A slow or unreliable network can lead to lost customers, wasted time, and lost profits. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to optimize your business's network performance and ensure that your business runs efficiently.

Understand Your Network Infrastructure and Capabilities

In order to optimize your network performance, you need to understand what your current infrastructure and capabilities are. This means taking an inventory of all of the components in your network such as routers, switches, firewalls, and other elements. Once you have a clear understanding of your existing equipment, you can begin to assess which areas of your network may be causing performance issues.

There are many tools and metrics that can help you to assess the state of your network. These include examining bandwidth usage, latency, packet loss and error rates. With this data, you can begin to identify areas that are causing performance bottlenecks, as well as those elements which could be improved or upgraded in order to boost efficiency. Making sure that your network is running at peak efficiency is essential for any organization, as it helps to ensure optimal user experience and protects against potential security risks. By taking the time to carefully analyze your network capabilities and infrastructure, you can create a powerful and efficient business network that supports streamlined operations.

Leverage Quality-of-Service (QoS) Resources

Quality-of-Service (QoS) is a set of tools and technologies that prioritize network resources. It includes traffic shaping, bandwidth management, and other strategies used to ensure that important data gets priority over lower priority tasks. Implementing QoS can help decrease latency issues, guarantee QoS for certain applications and voices, prevent congestions during peak hours, and more.

QoS can also help increase uptime and guarantee speed. Setting an application or service as a priority will ensure that it has the resources necessary for uninterrupted operation, even when other applications may be competing for network resources. Additionally, making sure that your network is free of bottlenecks will make sure traffic is flowing quickly throughout the system, providing your staff and customers with fast response times. With proper implementation of QoS strategies, you can leverage all available resources to maximize performance and efficiency, while keeping costs low.

Invest in Low-Latency Connectivity for Cloud Computing and VoIP Communications

Low-latency connectivity is essential for businesses that rely on cloud computing and VoIP communications. High latency can cause voice jitter, glitches, and lag times in applications and make for an unreliable user experience. Investing in low-latency technology such as direct connections to the cloud platform you’re using can help reduce latency, which will result in better performance and fewer dropped calls or connection problems.

Additionally, companies should consider deploying a multi-channel WAN architecture to provide protected data pathways from public and private cloud-based applications. These multiple connections help ensure maximum uptime by allowing redundant connections in the event of a link failure. Furthermore, investing in MPLS (multi-protocol label switching) technology can help differentiate between traffic types and prioritize certain types of network packets over others - like VoIP packets over general web traffic - so that traffic problems or drops don’t occur. Finally, upgrading your local network equipment such as routers and managed switches will help take full advantage of low latency and quality connectivity.

Monitor Performance and Prioritize Troubleshooting Efforts

Efficiency starts with properly monitoring, measuring and understanding the performance of your network. Continuous monitoring and visualization of your network’s performance will allow you to quickly identify any issues that arise as well as prioritize which solutions to implement first. Having clearly defined baselines for acceptable performance and response times can also help you more accurately address underperforming elements.

By understanding server and device performance and response times, you can quickly detect issues that could potentially cause interruptions or customer dissatisfaction in the network. With a clear view of your network, you can immediately prioritize which solution to implement first and determine the most efficient troubleshooting effort. Investing in cutting-edge performance monitoring tools and data visualization can ultimately help minimize the time needed to find sources of inefficiency resulting in improved customer satisfaction.

Implement Automated Network Configuration Tools to Ensure Efficiency

Automated network configuration tools can help you effectively manage your routine tasks faster and more accurately. These tools are designed to facilitate the deployment, maintenance, and troubleshooting of your applications and help ensure that any changes made on the network are properly tracked. Automating certain processes can also help reduce manual errors caused by misconfigurations or system issues and allow administrators to focus on higher priority tasks such as analyzing data or developing new strategies.

Automated network configuration tools allow for the automation of various tasks such as deploying and configuring routers, switches, firewalls, servers, and other devices. These tools make it easier to analyze network traffic and spot possible security threats before they occur. Furthermore, automated configuration tools can also help businesses save time and money by reducing the need for manual labor. Additionally, changes made to the network are automatically tracked so administrators can quickly revert any misconfigurations that might have been caused due to human error. Having an automated solution in place helps ensure that your business remains efficient and running optimally.

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ExterNetworks is a Managed service provider offering 24/7 network monitoring, noc services, IT help desk services & On-Site Installation services to companies of all sizes.

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