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Delivering AI and ML Development Services to enhance your business

Elevate your business with AI and ML Development Services. We specialize in creating tailored solutions, streamlining processes, and driving growth through cutting-edge technology. Discover the future now.

Delivering AI and ML Development Services to enhance your business
ExterNetworks | Delivering AI and ML Development Services to enhance your business

With our services for developing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), we assist you in navigating the risks associated with digital disruption and strengthening your resilience.

Utilizing the full potential of cutting-edge technologies like Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, ExterNetworks offers business consulting and development services. Our AI engineers may entirely reimagine the way firms run. Improve your ability to provide thoughtful business solutions in response to customer needs. Using machine learning and personalized web apps with our AI-infused applications, our team also gives you new values.

Utilize our AI and machine learning solutions to achieve measurable business results.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Services

Our NLP experts can assist your business in making greater use of language data, whether it comes from speech or text, from processing to sentiment analysis. NLP has a wide range of services in the digital world. Text analysis, text-to-speech, translation, and transcription are a few of them.

Natural Language Processing (NLP), an AI auxiliary, is designed to support business applications by revealing the true potential of data. With our NLP technology, which can comprehend human language and incorporate it into your application, we help your organization acquire a competitive advantage. Sounds interesting?

ExterNetworks natural-language-processing

Natural Language Processing Integration - Mobile Apps

  • Keyword Generation - NLP aids in creating keywords and using an AutoTag to determine the topic matter present in the text.
  • Text Summation - NLP text summation is useful in analyzing the text to find valuable ideas.
  • Chatbot Development - The Parsey McParseface uses tags for Point of Speech to create chatbots.
  • Entity Recognition - An organization employs Named Entity Recognition of NLP to find a person by identifying an entity.
  • Word Shortening - NLP is helpful because of its useful characteristic when words are reduced to stems using Porter Stemmer or when the text is divided into tokens using Tokenize.
  • Sentimental Evaluation - It is specifically used to determine the text's mood. For example, evenings may be neutral, negative, or positive.

Deep Learning Using Statistical Algorithms - Mobile Apps

  • Comprehensive NLP Application - We thoroughly examine your application's needs, helping you establish the scope of work with a breakdown of the development phase's cost and duration.
  • Data Gathering - Our engineers use established approaches to classify semi-structured data from online sources.
  • NLP Architect - Our team works hard to provide a smooth, integrated application using cutting-edge development techniques and technologies considered industry standards for optimum architecture.
  • Data Mining - It includes the collection and processing of data for analytics, content clustering, content classification, entity extraction, relationship extraction, and fact extraction.
  • Intelligent Enterprise Search - We provide your users with enhanced personalized search, which uses artificial intelligence and suggestions to offer accurate results to their queries.
What is generative AI?
Discover the power of generative AI! Learn how it’s transforming industries, from manufacturing to image synthesis, and explore how our cutting-edge solutions can boost your business’s efficiency, productivity, and innovation. Unleash your potential with AI-driven advancements today!

AI-powered Apps (Mobile & Web)

We create mobile apps that AI and ML support as part of ExterNetworks AI and ML Services. Our AI & ML engineers can improve your current mobile applications' effectiveness, individualization, and intelligence. For example, we provide corporate search using machine learning so you can discover answers more quickly.

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ExterNetworks designed several AI-driven mobile and web applications, spanning numerous sectors and addressing a variety of use cases. Some prominent instances encompass:

  • Chatbots - These AI-enabled programs emulate human conversation, commonly employed in customer service contexts to deliver round-the-clock support or address frequently asked questions.
  • Virtual Assistants - These AI-fueled applications assist users with scheduling appointments, reserving tables, and playing music, often integrated with mobile devices and smart speakers.
  • Recommendation Engines - Harnessing AI, recommendation engines predict user interests and preferences, frequently utilized in e-commerce to suggest potential product purchases.
  • Fraud Detection - AI technology serves to identify fraudulent activities across various applications, including online banking and credit card transactions.
  • Image Recognition - AI empowers identifying objects and individuals within images, often applied in security settings to detect questionable activities.
  • Natural Language Processing - AI facilitates human language comprehension, regularly employed in search applications to yield more relevant results.

Although AI implementation in mobile and web applications is developing, its growth is accelerating swiftly. As a result, we anticipate witnessing increasingly inventive and valuable AI-integrated apps as AI technologies advance.

Here are several advantages of employing AI-driven mobile and web applications:

  • Enhanced User Experience - AI personalizes user experiences through recommendations, content suggestions, and task automation, rendering apps more user-centric and effective.
  • Augmented Productivity - AI task automation allows users to concentrate on higher-priority tasks, resulting in heightened productivity and efficacy.
  • Refined Decision-making - AI's data analysis and predictive capabilities facilitate improved product development, marketing, and customer service decision-making.
  • Cost Reduction - AI-driven task automation and efficiency improvements can lower business expenses.

Predictive Analytics

Our professionals create unique models for personalized recommendations, churn forecasts, dynamic pricing, fraud detection, and sentiment analysis. Choose from our selection of dependable and scalable software and leading big data technologies for various analytical choices.

AI/ML forecasting services

ExterNetworks offer one of the best predictive analytics. We provide cutting-edge solutions, such as predictive analytics as a service, thanks to our team of knowledgeable and professional predictive analytics consultants.

We can produce time series data solutions and other workable products 50% quicker, thanks to some of the most cutting-edge machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics tools. With our forecasting and predictive analytics services, we can better comprehend the intricate relationships and behavioral processes that might benefit your company. In addition, the forecasts are made specifically for your company since the models we integrate are designed specifically for your data.

Engineering and data analytics for forecasting can take months. But thanks to the quick import of time-series data and the expertise of our team of predictive analytics consultants, our machine learning models can rapidly load, examine, process, and display the data for forecasting. Additionally, our machine learning algorithm trains and improves the custom model, which you can host in a setting where better models can be created.

ExterNetworks is a firm believer in data security. By these values, we make significant investments in protecting and encrypting your data to guarantee the security of our forecasting and predictive analytics services and to prevent any data loss or breach. In addition, we provide our customers with encryption keys that guarantee exclusive access to the prediction data. ExterNetworks solution integrates seamlessly with Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to assist you with identity and access control permissions policies while maintaining the privacy of your data.

ExterNetworks predictive-analytics

Forecasting Process

Our predictive analytics consultant uses data-driven forecasting techniques.

  • Step 1 - Investigation and Analysis - Defining the Forecasting Tools, Identifying the Challenges, and Identifying the Customers

  • Step 2 - Intel Gathering - Collect Data from Various Terminals, Develop Data Analytics Model

  • Step 3 - Data Preparation - Data Cleaning, Data Transformation

  • Step 4 - Model Building - Build and Train Models, Test Model’s Efficiency

  • Step 5 - Data Analysis - Authenticity Testing, Data Quality Check

  • Step 6 - Deployment - Deploy the Model on Client’s Environment, Performance Analysis

Data-Driven and AI Architecture
Explore the impact of data and AI on the app building culture. Learn about the benefits of data-driven architecture and AI architecture in improving efficiency, data quality, and delivering personalized experiences. Stay ahead in the tech world with the latest advancements in data and AI.

Deep Learning

We use the best Deep Learning techniques to provide dependable and scalable solutions.Applications like voice recognition, picture recognition, and natural language processing are made simpler by our deep learning technologies. Make the most of ExterNetworks' Deep Learning solutions.

ExterNetworks deep-learning

Deep learning, a specialized branch of machine learning, employs artificial neural networks to glean insights from data; our experts can help you with the technology. This formidable tool boasts applications across an array of domains, such as:

  • Image recognition: By discerning objects within images, like faces, vehicles, and animals, deep learning plays a crucial role in security systems, pinpointing suspicious activities.
  • Natural language processing: Deep learning refines search applications by interpreting human language, yielding more pertinent results.
    Speech recognition: By identifying human speech patterns, deep learning enables virtual assistants and voice-activated devices to function seamlessly.
  • Machine translation: By converting text between languages, deep learning enhances online translation services.
  • Fraud detection: By unmasking fraudulent activities like credit card fraud and identity theft, deep learning helps secure financial transactions.
  • Medical diagnosis: Although still in its infancy, deep learning's potential to diagnose diseases and other medical conditions could transform healthcare.

Our experts specialize in GCP, AWS, and Azure.

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Featuring TensorFlow, TPUs, and Cloud AutoML, Google Cloud Platform delivers a suite of deep learning services.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): With offerings like SageMaker, Rekognition, and Lex, Amazon Web Services provides diverse deep-learning services.
  • Microsoft Azure: Catering to various deep learning needs, Microsoft Azure presents Azure Machine Learning, Azure Cognitive Services, and Azure Bot Service.

As deep learning technology progresses, we anticipate more inventive and robust products and services entering the market.

Computer Vision

For the benefit of your business, we provide technological solutions for precise posture estimation, picture recognition, and visual search. The creation of software that enables computers to collect, operate, process, analyze, and comprehend digital pictures or video is a specialty of our computer vision specialists.

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Computer vision, a burgeoning subfield of artificial intelligence (AI), is dedicated to interpreting images and videos, with its applications permeating various industries, such as:

  • Autonomous vehicles: Computer vision facilitates navigation and obstacle avoidance for self-driving cars.
  • Medical imaging: By analyzing X-rays, MRI scans, and other medical images, computer vision aids in disease diagnosis.
  • Retail sector: Inventory tracking, customer behavior monitoring, and shopping experience personalization all leverage computer vision.
  • Manufacturing: Inspection for product defects, assembly line automation, and production process optimization employ computer vision.
  • Security: Detection of suspicious activities like loitering or weapon possession is enabled by computer vision.

ExterNetworks created and implemented computer vision applications, with some prominent providers encompassing:

  • Google Cloud Platform: Offering services like Cloud Vision API, Cloud AutoML Vision, and Cloud TPUs.
  • Amazon Web Services: Providing Rekognition, Textract, and SageMaker for computer vision applications.
  • Microsoft Azure: Presenting Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Machine Learning, and Azure Databricks for computer vision purposes.

As computer vision technology evolves, we can anticipate the emergence of even more innovative and potent products and services.

Employing computer vision yields several benefits, including:

  • Enhanced efficiency: Automating manual tasks, such as product inspection or security footage monitoring, increases efficiency and productivity.
  • Cost reduction: Automating tasks and enhancing efficiency via computer vision can diminish costs, as it helps detect product defects, reducing product recall expenses.
  • Safety improvement: By identifying and averting accidents, computer vision bolsters safety and can even help prevent crime by detecting loiterers or those carrying weapons.
  • Personalized experiences: Customer experiences can be tailored using computer vision, as it can recognize customers' faces and suggest products based on previous purchases.

ExterNetworks computer-vision-understand

Consider integrating computer vision into your operations if your objectives include boosting productivity, reducing costs, improving safety, or customizing experiences, and get in touch with us.

AI-assisted decision-making results delivered in weeks
AI-assisted decision-making can transform your business by delivering results in just a few weeks. Discover the power of machine learning, big data analytics, and automation, and how they can help your business make more informed decisions, improve operational efficiency, and drive innovation.

AI Chatbot Development

We develop artificially intelligent (AI) applications that communicate with people via touch sensing, voice recognition, language, and predetermined actions. Considering your company's objectives, our AI developers create chatbots using the proper framework.

As a premier chatbot development service provider, ExterNetworks is devoted to revolutionizing customer support and transforming the way businesses interact with their clientele. By employing state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies, we construct sophisticated, human-like chatbots that mimic, engage, and respond akin to real people.

We offer clients an all-inclusive development and implementation process, collaborating closely with you to determine your needs and devise a strategy that fulfills your objectives, be it an extensive conversational solution or an individual component. ExterNetworks' adept engineers harness artificial intelligence to craft distinctive chatbots such as ChatGPT, granting access to real-time data on customer journeys through our unparalleled chatbot solutions.

Our expertise lies in the development of GPT-4 powered chatbots for a diverse array of applications, spanning e-commerce, sales, marketing, healthcare, finance, and banking. Our proficient engineers can aid in designing an AI chatbot that seamlessly integrates with your existing infrastructure and is tailored to accommodate the specific requirements of your enterprise.

Further, we provide support in developing a chatbot that fosters engagement and elevates the user experience on your website, mobile application, or social media platform.

Backed by a team of over 500 accomplished technical professionals and chatbot developers, we have partnered with clients to generate AI-driven chatbots that deliver round-the-clock customer assistance, fortify relationships, and reduce expenses. Our chatbot development pricing is both reasonable and tailored to your distinct needs.

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ExterNetworks has delivered several AI-based chatbot solutions, some of which are -

  • Customer Assistance: AI chatbots can address client inquiries, tackle concerns, and offer support, allowing human customer service representatives to concentrate on more intricate issues.
  • Business Development and Promotion: Chatbots can prequalify prospects, schedule meetings, and boost sales, enabling companies to expand their clientele and secure additional contracts.
  • Pedagogical and Instructional Applications: Chatbots can disseminate educational material, respond to inquiries, and deliver customized feedback, facilitating more efficient and effective learning experiences for students.
  • Medical Industry: Chatbots can supply health-related data, respond to inquiries, and track patients' well-being, assisting individuals in managing their health and enhancing their outcomes.
  • Fiscal Management: Chatbots can offer financial counsel, respond to inquiries, and oversee finances, empowering individuals to make informed financial choices and achieve their monetary objectives.

These solutions merely scratch the surface of the numerous applications for AI chatbot development. As the technology evolves, we anticipate even more pioneering and groundbreaking use cases to emerge.

Here are some supplementary advantages of utilizing AI chatbots:

  • Round-the-Clock Accessibility: Chatbots are operational 24/7, ensuring customers can receive assistance whenever required.
  • Cost Efficiency: Chatbots present an economical approach to delivering customer service and support.
  • Expandability: Chatbots can be scaled up or down to accommodate a business's specific requirements.
  • Tailored Interaction: Chatbots can be customized to address each customer's unique needs.
  • Precision: Chatbots can be trained to provide highly accurate responses.

If you seek to enhance customer service, sales, marketing, education, healthcare, or finance, AI chatbot development is a solution worth considering.

Let's talk

If you have any questions about our AI and ML products and services, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to answer any questions you have and help you get started with AI and ML projects.

Contact us today to learn more about how AI and ML can help your business.